30 Apr 2022
Been watching Spy X Family for the past couple of weeks, and I cant recommend it more :D , Here's my Anya's Illustration (Using InkScape)
(License : CC BY-NC-SA)
4 May 2022
The order is a small group of game devs that I formed so we expand our knowledge and teamwork skills. we will be re-creating and skinning games mostly.
10 Feb 2021
I know.. I suck at naming my games. BUT HELLOO ,, FIRST PLACE again, CCTT has won the First Place in Unigine Hackathon and the Best Narrative submission in the jam. they were stressful 3 days, but the outcome is satisfying
26 Dec 2020
I still don't like the scene management in Godot, this addon will give more control over managing , selecting and deselecting game objects.
22 Nov 2020
I don't really know if this boosts performance, but basically, Atlas Tiles Wrapper is a shader that allows you to use any square atlas sheet, just like trim sheets, this should reduce the number of draw calls and increase the game performance.
2 May 2020
I LOVED THE IDEA OF MAKING SHAPES WITH SHADOWS, and this was how Spot Light Logo was born! probably a full game later? who knows!
16 Mar 2020
After prototyping a level for couple of hours, I found out that CSG meshes drains the game performance significantly, but apparently CSG Combiners calculates the resulting mesh and stores it. Using this data, CSG Mesh exporter was created, with it I can convert CSG nodes into a static mesh for a better performance, or to be edited externally!
19 Aug 2018
First offline game jam .. First place .. and amazing time spent, and new connections were made!
4 July 2018
Since blender doesn't support animated sprite, I had to make this tool so I can make 2D games in blender .. well I think so!